Friday, October 28, 2011

Can I Help?

I never know which pop is going to show up. Yesterday it was the oblivious pop. Today he is the constant companion who follows me around the house offering his services at every turn. "Is there anything I can do to help," has been the repetition for today? This is a gracious offer but one that is hard to oblige. His balance is poor so anymore sweeping is not an option. Vision is weak so eye hand coordinated tasks are difficult. I used to give him a basket of change and have him sort it by pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters but yesterday the challenge seemed daunting. He managed to bag the copper pennies but the silver change all looked the same to him.

This afternoon, having returned from Costco with a large bag of individually wrapped rolls of paper towels I invited him to remove the rolls from their outer covering and place them on the table for me to relocate to the pantry. Not taking long to accomplish he was ready again to be of more assistance. I resorted again to the magic bullet which always seems to salve any lonely or boring moment. Tea time! Intentionally locating him at the bar eye ball to eye ball with me he is able to sip his tea and at least feel a part of what is happening as I busy myself in the kitchen. Maybe tomorrow he'll be oblivious.

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