Sunday, January 31, 2010

"Whatever You Are Making, It sure Smells Good"

I'm sitting at the computer and Pop melts into the room. He pats me on the shoulder and says, "Whatever you are making, it sure smells good." He slips out and I turn to my son and give him a puzzled look. It is 4:00 PM and I've not even started thinking about dinner let alone start preparations. Whatever he is smelling is beyond my comprehension.

Now they say that people who lose one or more of their senses develop their other senses to extraordinary levels. Maybe dementia causes a keener sense of smell and Pop is smelling the food through the refrigerator walls? Or could it be that his hunger pangs are beginning to set in and this is his attempt at getting me out of the computer room and into the kitchen? I will give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he has extraordinary powers.

Taking this cue I move into the kitchen and pull the emergency stash of stew out of the refrigerator. He follows me and the hovering begins (see my blog on hovering for more information on this topic) followed by, "If there is anything I can do to help, let me know." When I pull the steaming plate of grub from the microwave he puts on his surprise act saying, "Oh, is that for me?" Followed by, "Aren't you going to eat, too? I hate to be the only one eating." Now I don't want to be cynical, but from experience I think that in reality what he could really be thinking is, "It's about time you got that food on the table! I am ravaged and if it had been a minute more I would have passed out. And I don't care if anyone else around here eats or not, just get out of my way and let me get to that plate!"

Am I being too harsh? Nah, I'm just having fun!


  1. It is delightful and so wonderful that he is so polite--so many are not!!



  2. As always...your blogs make me smile. You are so entertaining. Poooor grandpa...well maybe not...he has powers that we cannot attain so in the end he is better off than we...
