Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pop and Schlotzskys

I'm not sure if Schlotzsys is a chain only in Texas, or just in the South or if it has traveled over the US by now. But when we first moved to Austin from California 10 years ago,I had never been to one. For those who are new comers like I was to this eatery, they make pretty terrific sandwiches. Their key feature are the "home made" buns made fresh daily. I don't know how they do it but these buns are fluffy and sort of crunchy at the same time. Well, Pop loves discovering Schlotskys each an every time we go. One of the advantages of dementia is you are always having NEW experiences.

Recently Pop experienced Schlotskys again for the first time. After ordering three regular sized "Originals" and one large we moseyed over to a nice sunny table. My husband, son and I engaged in our usual laughter and good family conversation. Every once in a while from Pop's direction we would hear, "Boy, this is a good sandwich!" After we had devoured our cuisine, we gathered up our debris and headed for the door to leave. Arriving in the foyer and readying to exit I noticed only my husband, son and myself. "We lost Pop," I said. Leaving the foyer and reentering the restaurant I gazed across the room to the table we had vacated. There sitting with his baseball cap and his signature cardigan sweater was Pop looking around appearing to be people watching. I have commented before that sometimes having Pop in tow is sort of like having a toddler around. This is where the similarities split. Fortunately when he gets separated from us he first of all does not realize it and secondly there are no fits of crying and wailing for "Judy."

After realizing we had left Pop behind I worked my way through the tables and diners and arrived at Pop's location. Motioning for him to follow he picked up his little sack of left overs, shuffled behind me out to where the "menfolk" (as he sometimes refers to them as) were waiting. Then the three of us with Pop in tow moseyed out, Pop having no idea that he nearly got left behind. I guess this another example of how ignorance is bliss.

1 comment:

  1. he is just so chill....he probably wouldn't get upset if you sent him outside with a popscicle...he probably wouldn't feel rejected and unwanted........just sayin.
