Sunday, February 21, 2010

Crank Flash Light

Pop has always had a liking for gadgets; a unique pocket screw driver; a unique tool for the car. But the all of end all gadgets that delights his soul is his crank flash light. Somewhere along the way as a Christmas or birthday gift he acquired this gadget that requires no batteries and is made operational by cranking the small black handle. 30 seconds is supposed to offer 30 minutes of light. Pretty nifty!

Each and every evening, sometime after dinner we hear whirrrrrr, whirrrr, whirr, whir coming from the direction of Pop's room. The Boy Scout in my dad is awakening as he locates his tool of preference to begin preparation for seeking out the dangers that lurk in the darkness. Throughout our TV viewing we hear whirrrrrr, whirrrr, whirr, whir. It drones on through our next program and into the next.

What Boy Scout needs conventional lighting when you've got your crank flash light in your kit? This is apparently the logic that my dad follows. I find him in the pantry, pitch dark shining his light to find his evening snack. From my vantage point in the family room I can see him roaming the dark living room flashing his light and intermittently cranking the handle as he checks to make sure doors are locked and porch lights are turned off. Into his bathroom he will go using his flash light to find his nightly toiletries. Members of our family have been awakened from sleep in the middle of the night with grandpa shining his flash light into their faces during his nightly rounds. You can just feel the sense of adventure as he plows his way through the darkness, flash light in hand!

For the rest of us tent dwellers this cranking and whirring was initially quite annoying. But at the same time it was hard to not miss the humor in it all which has produced many a family inside joke. So much so that last Christmas my husband purchased crank flash lights for the whole family. If you can't win 'um, join 'um.

As I write this it is a bright and sunny morning. The flash light is tucked away somewhere in his room. But soon this day will begin to draw to a close and we will hear the familiar whirrrrr, whirrr, whir coming from my Pop's room. With a look of purpose on his face Pop will emerge with light in hand readying himself for his evening of adventure securing the home land and battening down the hatches.


  1. Fun perspective! At least he's using his crank flashlight and not matches to light his way! ;>

  2. So sweet the way you write about him, with lots of love, patience and keen understanding.

  3. Thank you MaryLynn. You obviously have a tender heart.

  4. My dad bought us all crank flashlights for Christmas a few years back! ha! So funny that grandpa Don uses it every night, and I'm sure he's quite serious about it!

  5. Lauren: Oh my gosh, you have no idea how serious he is about it. How funny that you have the same lights.

  6. "You can just feel the sense of adventure as he plows his way through the darkness, flash light in hand!" ---- oh my gosh........i am laughing! this is SO funny!

    That flashlight. ughhh. I have mine stored in my car for emergencies. :)
