Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tapping and Popping

My dad has always had a love for rhythm. His wife, Mary picked up on this and actually bought him a drum set one year for Christmas. I don't know what happened to that drum set but thank goodness it is not here. Now in his present state of mind tapping and what I call popping has become a compulsive form of producing rhythm.

He taps on the dash board of the car while he is riding, taps on the kitchen table while he is eating, taps on the counter top while he is waiting to eat, same beat using his fingernails, his ring or the palm of his hand.

Popping occurs by hitting one hand to the top of the other hand rolled into a fist. The only thing missing is snapping the fingers before he gives his fist a pop. There seems to be some macho thing going on with this hand-popping-thing because often after he has accomplished some task in a manner that he considers successful, like drying the dishes, he will follow it with popping. It's like he's saying, "Man, I'm good!" And I'm saying, again, "Lord, give me patience."

1 comment:

  1. It is pretty macho....

    Sometimes he will mimic my beat for fun or he will fill in the beat where I have stopped for a moment. It's fun. He always looks at me with a mischievous smile when he does that. it's fun.
