Friday, March 26, 2010

"Good Dinner. Thank You, Don"

For those of us who have had children, we remember all of the little home made cards, notes and pictures that our children wrote or drew for us in their scribbly little hand. To this day I have many tucked away in my sock drawer or archived under my mittens and caps. Recently one of those types of notes appeared on our kitchen table, on a napkin in balloon letters, with a hint of my dad's very distinctive hand writing, a message to the cook. "Good Dinner. Thank you, Don.". He even remembered the punctuation. Amazing!

There are days when my husband and I notice that Pop is going down hill and with concern we comment about his future. And then ... out of no where he will do something like this, an obvious cranial exercise and sentiment that just blows us away. Anecdotes of this type are what brings moments of brightness into our life with him; moments of laughter and amazement at what he still can do. I'm sure when he wrote that note he had no idea how much it would surprise us, bring smiles to our faces, and praise to God for the mysteries of the mind and its capabilities even under duress.

This little note, so artistically printed on a simple table napkin will be one of those memories that I will stash away under my socks or mittens.