Monday, March 1, 2010

Pop the Meat and Potatoes Guy

Every once in a while, especially on a Sunday evening I enjoy breakfast for dinner. Last night was one of those times when I had a hankerin' for waffles and eggs. About 5:00 PM Pop began to become restless, "Is there anything I can do to help?" came the question, which at that time of day always means "I'm getting hungry. Please make some movement toward the kitchen."

Cranking up the waffle iron I began to whip up a batch; Mmmmm, into the mix went the egg, milk, a nice sprinkling of cinnamon and a little oil. Pouring the rich batter into the waffle iron I enjoyed the sizzling sound it made as it hit the hot iron. Into the skillet went the eggs. Into the microwave went the apple sauce for a nice piping hot side. Doesn't that just make your mouth water? It did mine.

Setting the plate in front of Pop he began to eat. Silence. More eating. Silence. Through the whole meal Pop was conspicuously quiet. Not one, "Boy this is good." Not one, "Mmmm, mmmmmmm, mmmmmm." Not a single, "Great from the first bite to the last!" No continuous, "Thank you Jude, this is delicious!" Just dead silence. Obviously my meal was a total strike out for my dad. I had up to this point honestly concluded that there wasn't anything on God's green earth that my dad would not eat with relish. But this meal had proven me wrong. Dead wrong.

Thinking over this selection disaster I had a vague recollection that as a kid, if my mom suggested breakfast for dinner, my dad was all but enthusiastic. He is definitely a meat and potatoes guy.

Leaving the kitchen still scratching my head and my ego a bit bruised, I began to analyze the pros and cons of what had just taken place. My observations went like this. Most of our meals are a continuous flow of repetitive thank yous and over the top accolades from my dad. Tonight we enjoyed a very quiet, serene meal together. I think to myself, "Silence definitely has its advantages. I think I'll remember this menu."

1 comment:

  1. i never dreamed he didn't like something of the food type! Breakfast for dinner is always my favorite! My mouth was watering as i read this post....
