Friday, March 19, 2010

Pop Making His Rounds

In between Pop's chores and various activities of the day he makes sure that he includes making his rounds from one member of the family to the next; sort of like the surgeon who visits his patients in their hospital rooms post op to see how everyone is doing.

Once he has concluded his major surgeries of the morning -- made his bed, dried some dishes, swept and maybe vacuumed the floors, he drops in on all of us at our various locations of work around the house. Then later after he has had his numerous tea times, walked his numerous loops outside and made his numerous searches for things that he has lost, he may drop in on us again, just to touch base and make sure we are OK.

Entering our son's room where he is working at his computer, Pop will pat him on the shoulder and in a loud whisper say, "How you doin' Bret!?" Pretty soon he is at my back patting me on the shoulder with a similar cheery query, "How is your day going, honey!? Is your day turning out the way you'd hoped?" Turning to my husband, who is also busy at his computer, he pats him on the back and asks the same questions with the same upbeat but hushed tone. Diligent in this responsibility, he may return several times. Pat, pat, pat, "How's your day going?"

I too spend a lot of time making the rounds sort of like a floor nurse. Following after him I manage the mundane. I close the doors that he has left open; turn off the lights that he has left on; clean up his spills; retrieve dirty dishes from places they don't belong; clean up his tools of the trade, shaver, toothpaste spattered sink and wash his uniforms (jeans, cardigan sweater and shirts).

Pop's diligence at making the rounds, though has caused our son to confess that he is going to have to close his door to keep Grandpa from interrupting his work. I confessed to my son that I, too, often have to close the office door so that my husband and I can work. Don't we all wish that our doctor's were as attentive as Pop?

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